Notice of Annual General meeting
NOTICE is hereby given that the 61st Annual General Meeting of The Automobile Association of Northern Territory Inc. will be held at the Darwin Innovation Hub on Wednesday, 27th November 2024 at 5:30pm.
- Declarations of conflict of interest by an AANT Council member;
- To confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 29th November 2023;
- To elect members to the Council in accordance with Rule 6 of the AANT Constitution;
- To receive the Annual Report and Audited Accounts for the year ended 30 June 2024
- To appoint an auditor of the Association; and
- To deal with any other business requiring consideration by the Association in a General Meeting.
Financial Reports
In accordance with the Northern Territory of Australia Associations Act, the 2023/2024 audited statement of accounts of the AANT Inc. will be available for inspection by members from 12th November 2024. A copy of the report can be obtained directly from AANT Office 2/14 Knuckey St. Darwin, or requested via email marked Att. CEO info@aant.com.au
Election to Council
Nominations for election to Council must be completed in a form prescribed by the Association and are available to Members on request to the AANT or on the AANT website. A Member is not eligible for election to the Council unless the Public Officer or Chief Executive Officer receives a written nomination for that Member no later than 28 days before the date of the next Annual General Meeting. The nominee must otherwise be eligible for appointment under the terms of the AANT Constitution.
Voting at the Annual General Meeting
Subject to the provisions of the AANT Constitution, every Member has only one (1) vote at a meeting of the Association. If you are unable to attend the AANT Annual General Meeting, you are entitled to appoint in writing a natural person who is also a Member as your proxy. Proxy appointment can be made in any form of writing or alternatively on the proxy appointment form available on the AANT website aant.com.au.