Moving to a new house can be both an exciting and a stressful time. You’ll be excited about your new home, but could be stressed about the actual moving itself. Help keep your stress levels down and your organisation levels high with these essential moving tips.
1. Declutter before you move. If you know you’re moving to a new house in advance, give your home a once over with a good decluttering. Throw out, sell, or donate anything you don’t need or use anymore. This includes clothing, toys, equipment, old furniture, and even pantry items. This will make your moving process a whole lot easier!
2. Boxes, boxes, boxes. You can never have enough when it comes to move day! Get ready with enough boxes, tape, scissors, thick markers to write with, packing paper and bubble wrap to make your move a whole lot smoother.
3. Choose who will move you. You can choose to have a company come in and do the whole process for you, from packing, to lifting, to driving the truck, right down to the unpacking part. Or you can choose to hire a truck and get a few of your friends and family to help. Make sure to choose an option which suits your budget, skills, and stress levels you’re willing to accept.
4. Get ready with a mail redirection service. Update the address on your bills and get a mail redirect service for any letters and bills you may have forgotten about for a period of time after you move.
5. Do you need a storage facility? Depending on where you’re moving to, you may need a storage facility between when you move out to when you move in.
6. On moving day, pack a box of essentials such as snacks, bathroom supplies and toilet paper which will be needed immediately on moving in. You’ll thank yourself later when you don’t have to look through 20 boxes to find your favourite pillow for bed time!
7. Pack your valuables close to you. If you have especially valuable items such as jewellery or important paperwork, it’s a good idea to keep these close to you on move day to ensure they don’t get lost or damaged in transit.
Moving and your insurance
When moving there are some insurance essentials you will need to consider.
1. Check whether your moving company has insurance in place
2. Contact your insurer to find out whether you’re insured for your goods in transit and check any limits
3. If you have hired a storage facility check you’re insured to cover this
4. Transfer your insurance policy from your old address to your new address
5. Update your home and contents insurance policy with new contents value
Your home and contents insurance policy will need review whenever you move to a new house. Your new home will likely be valued differently from your old one, with different features, fixtures, and rebuild costs. It’s important to keep your insurance policy up-to-date so that you are not left underinsured or paying more than you need to for your policy.
Your contents insurance may also need to be adjusted. You may have decluttered some items from your home, and perhaps even purchased new items to suit the new home too. Updating your home contents policy will help ensure that you aren’t left out of pocket should something happen at your new home.
Taking some time to plan and prepare for your move will give you added peace of mind in the long run Want to know more? Talk to our team on 8925 5901 or visit here for a quote.
Important Information
This insurance product is distributed by Automobile Association of Northern Territory Inc ABN 13 431 478 529, an authorised representative of the issuer Insurance Australia Limited ABN 11 000 016 722 trading as CGU Insurance. Any advice provided is general advice only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs (“your personal circumstances”). Before using this advice to decide whether to purchase a product, you should consider your personal circumstances and the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determinations from www.aant.com.au